Star Wars Battlefront Outer Rim gameplay trailer released

Electronic Arts has finally revealed Star Wars Battlefront's upcoming DLC "Outer Rim" in a new gameplay trailer released on their YouTube channel. Outer Rim will feature new heroes, maps, mode, weapons, Star Cards and more.

Nien Nunb - a pilot with the Alliance, and Greedo - a bounty hunter that definitely did not shoot first are our two new heroes in Outer Rim. Nein Nunb is shown placing a Augmented Turret during the gameplay trailer. Looking closely at the HUD you can see a short description of the turret: "Upgradeable Powerful Turret" which suggests the hero is meant to be played in a more defensive manner. Nien Nunb also has some form of proximity mines.

Star Wars Battlefront Outer Rim gameplay trailer released

Greedo however should be played more aggressively and has the ability of sensing enemies around him - highlighting them with a red outline. As well as this, Greedo has the ability to lock onto multiple enemies at once and take them out in quick succession.

Star Wars Battlefront Outer Rim gameplay trailer released

Outer Rim also has lots of new weapons and Star Cards such as: a new "Adrenaline Stim" that boosts healing rates, Disruptor Rifle - an anti-vehicle weapon, a gas grenade, and a Scatter gun.

The Outer Rim DLC is set to release March 22 for Season Pass owners. You can read our review of Star Wars Battlefront here.