Magicka: Wizard Wars

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Magicka: Wizard Wars review
Quinn Levandoski


... in the fire/fire/fire

Learning the Ropes

In fact, that learning curve might be a bit of a turn off for some, and I wish there were more tools in the game to get over it more quickly. There’s an extremely brief tutorial at the beginning that tells you how to move and cast spells, but the nuance of how to be successful in the game needs to be learned by jumping in and getting pounded for quite a few rounds. The concept of running around and taking spawn points is simple enough, but the amount of spells is overwhelming at first. How am I supposed to know when it’s best to use water/water/fire, and when fire/water/water is better? What’s the difference between a steam wall and a lightning wall? You’ll figure it out eventually, but in 4v4 games having a teammate that doesn’t know how to play yet almost guarantees you’ll lose, and that’s not fun for other players trying to get a competitive game in. It would have been nice to see either a more detailed tutorial explaining more about spells and how they interact, or a larger “beginner arena” for people that have played less than however many matches.

Despite it’s tough learning curve, Wizard Wars is definitely a “light” MOBA. While there’s a lot to learn, the game boils down to pretty simple objectives (which vary slightly based on which of the three game modes you choose). Timing is important, but not down to the nano-frame. Movement and flow is important, but it’s much, much more about your aptitude and understanding of offensive and defensive spells. The map minions are important, but they’re more of an annoyance than anything else. Whether or not this is a positive or negative is going to depend on the person, but it worked for me. If I you want a hardcore MOBA there are better options, and if you want more of a pure top-down fighter you should probably find something else, but it is what it is, and it does what it aims to do well.


I’ve found the game to be stable when I’m actually in a game, but getting there can be a bit of a challenge sometimes. It’s hard to tell if it’s a player-base issue or a matchmaking issue, but I regularly had trouble getting into a lobby, and then it takes a while longer to actually fill the room. Whatever the cause, it’s annoying when it happens. Secondly, and more frustratingly, is that whenever I click on the BOLD button on the menu, the game completely closes on me. Every single time. This is annoying by virtue not only of having to re-start the game, but also because I can’t access anything in that menu. What’s there? Is it extremely important? I can’t say, because I’ve never been inside. While these bugs are annoying, it’s important to note that I’ve never been dropped or lagged out of an actual match once I’m in. Once in a game things run smoothly, and I’ve experienced minimal lag.

Magicka: Wizard Wars definitely struggles a bit with its steep learning curve and some serious bugs that need to be addressed, but the quick, energetic games are largely worth the struggles. Being that it’s free to play, and it’s monetization system is well handled and non-intrusive, there’s no reason to not at least give it a try, especially with a group of friends you can talk and strategize with. Whether you want to be a pistol wielding druid, a mysterious lightning powerhouse, or a bastion of bestowing life, there’s fun to be had all around.


fun score


Visual customization, pseudo-roles, non-intrusive free-to-play structure, cool elemental interactions for spells


Steep learning curve, some game crashing bugs in the menus