Crookz: The Big Heist

by Matt Porter
previewed on PC
I’ve played parts of Crookz a couple of times now, in varying states of readiness, and each time left me feeling quietly intrigued. Kalypso Media, known for its strategy games, has teamed up with developer Skilltree Studios to bring you this heist game set in the 1970s. Because there’s no reason to set a heist game in any other decade. On the surface, it may look fairly simple, but the deep strategy is still there. If you’re looking to just breeze through the story, you won’t be too challenged. But if you’re looking to pick up every bit of cash and see what’s in every single lockbox, you might find more difficulty than you bargained for.
The story, in the same vein as many heist stories , begins with a double cross. Following this there’s some revenge, of course, and an escalation in craziness ends with some pretty ridiculous stuff. It’s set in San Francisco, and you control a team of highly trained professional criminals, each with their own unique set of skills. There’s the locksmith, who will be able to open doors and safes for you. There’s the contortionist who can squeeze through air vents and the like. The burly brawler who can knock out guards, and so on.
Depending on how many thieves you’re allowed to take on a mission, you’ll want to mix and match these characters accordingly to create your ideal crew. What will work for some missions might not work for another. So, before each mission you’ll need to take a good look at the layout of the building you’re trying to infiltrate, guard patrol paths, where the security cameras are and how you can turn them off, and most importantly, where you ultimate goal is.
Along the way, you’ll also find little extra goodies lying around, like the aforementioned lockboxes. These aren’t essential to the mission, but will gain you some extra cash. With this cash you can buy items before missions for your characters to take on the job. Everyone has three slots which you can fill with items like chloroform to knock out guards, or camera jammers, or crowbars to quickly prise open a door without the use of the locksmith.
You have the choice of keyboard and mouse or gamepad, and both work well. The gamepad can be a little fiddly when in later missions you have quite a lot of options to work with, but it’s never frustrating. Most of your planning will be done in the pause mode, where you can move the camera around to your heart’s content and plan your next action. The cool thing about this is you can plan out moves for each member of your crew separately, and have them all go together in unison. By setting waypoints and telling one person to pause there while another turns off the laser grid, you can get things done way quicker than if you were trying to do it all in real time.
The guards are your main threat, but thankfully, they’re not actually that much of a threat, at least in the early missions. They’ll patrol around and they’ll have a vision cone, but even if they spot you it won’t be long until they blame their imagination and go back to their route. It’s also usually pretty easy to sneak up behind them and knock them out, but they won’t stay down forever. You do have a meter in the top corner which shows just how inconspicuous you’re being, and you’ll want to keep that as low as possible for the best scores.
The difficult part is not getting spotted at all, and this is often easier said than done. I would often accidentally stray into the sight of a camera I’d forgotten about, or set off an alarm because I’d forgotten to turn off a security system before entering a room, and would want to start over the whole level because I’d ruined my score. And this is totally a valid option. Like I said, actually completing a level isn’t the hard part, it’s completing it well that’s rewarding. Crookz is set to drop in late August, so you’d better hide your wallets in case a gang of misfits comes to take all your money.