Top 50 Games Of The Last Decade: 40 to 31

Top 50 Games Of The Last Decade: 40 to 31


Here it is, day two of our big week-long feature! Did your favourite game from 2001-2010 make it into today's line up? We're still recovering from the punch ups caused by this list.

35. Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven (PC, 2002)

Developer: Illusion Softworks (now 2K Czech)
Publisher: Gathering of Developers
Top 50 Games Of The Last Decade: 40 to 31

From the team that brought you the tactical shooter Hidden & Dangerous, Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven hit the PC in 2002. You play as Tommy Angelo, a taxi driver who, through a series of unfortunate coincidences, becomes a member of the Salieri Crime Family. Combining sandbox driving with third-person shooting and a compelling if unoriginal storyline, Mafia is a game that once played, cannot be forgotten. With the developers Illusion Softworks becoming 2K Czech, and Mafia II being released in 2010, it would appear that the franchise has become a ‘made’ one.

34. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (PS2, 2003)

Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Publisher: Ubisoft
Top 50 Games Of The Last Decade: 40 to 31

Playing with time, running along walls and acrobatic sword fighting. With love, from Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. Ubisoft must have done their research, for when they rebooted the PoP series they gave us one of the best action adventure games to date. Okay, so at times the combat got a little dull, but that's only because it was so incredible from the start. Easily overlooking that, we have some of the most exciting platforming sections known to man, and a very clever manipulation of time that accelerated both the gameplay and story to an untouched height. Excellent as a puzzler, beat-em-up and a platformer, Sands of Time is incredible. There, we said it.

33. Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec (PS2, 2001)

Developer: Polyphony Digital
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Top 50 Games Of The Last Decade: 40 to 31

Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec is the 15th highest-selling console game ever and for good reason. It was the first Gran Turismo game on the PS2, and even though the car list was more streamlined, the graphics benefited considerably and many jaws graced the floor because of this. Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec has held its crown as best racing game for a decade now and shows no signs of letting up, that’s why it easily made our list.

32. Max Payne (PC, 2001)

Developer: Remedy Entertainment
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Top 50 Games Of The Last Decade: 40 to 31

Not many games have a timeless quality to them. With a quotable and memorable story, combining mythology with film noir storytelling via the medium of graphic novels; clearly, Max Payne is one of them. The game is unique on the narrative side of things, but this is only one aspect of what makes Max Payne a timeless classic. The gameplay is engaging and exciting, with ‘bullet time’ used to great effect in the fantastic gunplay battles. Spawning console ports and a sequel in 2003, with a third game on the way in the near future, Max’s troubles seem far from over. That’s fine by us.

31. Psychonauts (Xbox, 2005)

Developer: Double Fine Productions
Publisher: THQ
Top 50 Games Of The Last Decade: 40 to 31

Yes, the Meat Circus is an exercise in frustration and the collectibles were too pervasive - but if you've still not bought and played Psychonauts, the mad psychic-powered action adventure from Tim Schafer and Double Fine, you're badly missing out. Funny, dark, and with enough imagination to fill twenty games. In what other game can you play as a piece in a game of Risk against Napoleon, explore a paranoid conspiracy-nut's nightmare, visit a neon day-glo Spain or terrorize a city as a giant Godzilla-like monster? Only one: Psychonauts. It deserves it's place in this list for one character: Dogen. God we love that sweet squirrel-killing maniac.

Sadly, that's all we have room for today, but join us again tomorrow as we pass the halfway mark and the threats to each others mothers escalate even further. Hope you are enjoying the list so far! As usual, the comments section below can be used to dispense any opinions on our list, so knock yourself out.

Want to know the next 10? Click here for entries 30-21.