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- Battlefield 3 - preview, 04/08/2011
- Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City - preview, 05/07/2011
- Defenders of Ardania - preview, 03/06/2011
- L.A. Noire - preview, 29/04/2011
- The First Templar - preview, 20/01/2011
- Homefront - preview, 31/12/2010
- Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare - review, 07/12/2010
- Crysis 2 - preview, 29/11/2010
- Fable III - review, 03/11/2010
- Star Wars: The Old Republic - preview, 26/10/2010
- Dead Rising 2 - preview, 06/09/2010
- Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2 - preview, 29/07/2010
- LittleBigPlanet 2 - preview, 08/06/2010
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- Iron Man 2 - review, 12/05/2010
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- Transformers: War for Cybertron - preview, 23/04/2010
- The Lost Cases of Sherlock Holmes 2 - review, 07/04/2010
- Guild Wars 2 - preview, 26/03/2010
- Postal III - preview, 26/02/2010