Vigil: Sales of 'Darksiders II' will determine future of franchise

The future of the Darksiders franchise lays at the feet of Vigil's upcoming sequel, Darksiders II, and the sales numbers the game pushes.

The game's lead developer Haydn Dalton, while speaking with Strategy Informer, stated that the future of the franchise is directly tied to how well the upcoming sequel sells.
“Absolutely [the future of Darksiders is dependent on how this sells]. We’ve got ideas for what we can do within the Darksiders universe, and it’s a huge universe. We’ve got ideas for different types of games as well. We’ve got a lot of mechanical things that are the boil and are ready to go depending on how this sells.

“With the focus on DLC we want to sustain the amount of time people can spend playing Darksiders.

“Hopefully within that time we’ll find how it’s been received, how people are liking it, so a lot of our future as a games studio will be dependent on how this goes.”
Darksiders II is out next month for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, with a Wii U version coming later.