A Half Hour In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
One of the most anticipated upcoming RPG titles to release in the coming months is CD Projekt Red's third installment to The Witcher series, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. With each and every new bit of info, it doesn't seem to disappoint as it appears to hook more newcomers with interest as well as maintaining the wanderlust that had encompassed players of the previous games already.
The newest bit of magic is no different, present in the form of just over a half hour of gameplay viewers can now take a much more at-length look into the life and times of our protagonist Geralt. Starting from just outside of a large cityscape, in a half hour you can get an idea of the scale of not just the environments but the depth of characters both major and minor, all the while presented with views that are absolutely breathtaking. But it's not all just calm times and peaceful scenes, as you will see...