Favorite games: Guild Wars 2, RIFT, BF3
Recent Articles and updates
- Mind: Path to Thalamus - review, 15/08/2014
- Gods Will Be Watching - review, 04/08/2014
- OlliOlli - review, 29/07/2014
- Whispering Willows - review, 24/07/2014
- Road Redemption - preview, 25/06/2014
- Little Racers STREET - review, 11/02/2014
- Rekoil - review, 05/02/2014
- Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - review, 15/01/2014
- Stick It to The Man! - review, 09/01/2014
- Democracy 3 - review, 10/12/2013
- Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - review, 27/11/2013
- State of Decay - review, 24/11/2013
- Batman: Arkham Origins - review, 04/11/2013
- The Wolf Among Us - review, 23/10/2013
- Shadow Warrior (2013) - review, 09/10/2013
- Outlast - review, 14/09/2013
- Gone Home - review, 29/08/2013
- Payday 2 - review, 13/08/2013
- Castlestorm - review, 05/08/2013
- The Raven - review, 25/07/2013