Favorite games: Halo Reach Gears of War 2 Half Life 2 League of Legends Men of War Darkest Hour Civilization 4 Hearts of Iron 3 Mount and Blade Warband Dragon Age: Origins
Recent Articles and updates
- Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad - review, 17/09/2011
- Sine Mora - preview, 14/09/2011
- Men of War: Vietnam - review, 09/09/2011
- Risen 2: Dark Waters - preview, 28/08/2011
- Mass Effect 3 - preview, 28/08/2011
- Darksiders II - preview, 27/08/2011
- BioShock Infinite - preview, 09/08/2011
- Project Zomboid - preview, 17/06/2011
- Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War II - Retribution - review, 17/05/2011
- Magicka: Vietnam - review, 25/04/2011
- Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game - review, 12/04/2011
- Rift: Planes of Telara - review, 31/03/2011
- Men of War: Assault Squad - review, 08/03/2011
- Bulletstorm - review, 28/02/2011
- Gears of War 3 - preview, 12/01/2011
- Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - review, 25/11/2010
- Batman: Arkham City - preview, 30/10/2010
- Call of Duty: Black Ops - preview, 13/10/2010
- Bungie Aerospace is far from what we expected... - news, 30/06/2011
- World of Warcraft gets unlimited free trial to level 20 - news, 28/06/2011
- Last Back to the Future: The Game Episode Out, Season 2 Hinted To Be On Its Way - news, 24/06/2011
- Lulzsec's Lulzboat just got torpedowned by TeaMp0isoN hack group - news, 22/06/2011
- Crysis 2 DirectX 11 features revealed - news, 22/06/2011
- Serious Sam: The Random Encounter is seriously an RPG - news, 22/06/2011
- Magicka releases free PvP add-on plus loads more DLC - news, 22/06/2011
- City of Heroes goes free-to-play - news, 21/06/2011
- Unlimited free trial of Lego Universe coming in August - news, 21/06/2011